Development of Technical Documentation:
Technical documentation (TD, ND, TNPA)
- A series of documents used in the design (design), creating (production) and use (operation) of any technical object: buildings, structures, industrial goods, software and hardware.

Specifications (YOU)
- A document setting out the technical requirements that must be met for a specific product, material, substance, etc. or their group. In addition, the procedures for installing it and whether these requirements can be installed should be specified.

Organization Standards (St)
- A document governing the requirements for product quality and safety, acceptance rules, control methods, transport and storage conditions. Developed both in relation to products and in terms of technological processes of production, services.

Technology education (IT)
- a document setting out the requirements for the technological process of production, control, storage and transport of raw materials, materials and finished products, the requirements for which the technical conditions approved by the company (Organization) are original to the author .

PPK - Production Control Program.
A document that determines the procedure for organizing and conducting the control of the monitoring of health regulations and the implementation of health and anti-epidemic measures in the production, storage, transport and sale of products.

Technical passport (equipment passport, PS)
- A document containing a description, working conditions and operational and technical characteristics of a specific type of equipment.

Form (transport passport, PF)
- A document containing information on the main technical characteristics of the vehicle, identification data of the main aggregates, information on the owner, registration and delegation.

Instructions for use (instruction manual, king)
- Product description and rules for use. Includes a description of the parts of the product, if necessary, the sequence of its assembly, recommendations for configuration, use and maintenance. These descriptions are provided with illustrations, diagrams and drawings (if required). Particular attention is paid to safety rules.

Certification group offers qualified services for the development of certain types of technical documentation.