GOST R certificate of conformity

Obligatory certificate of conformity GOST R - an official document confirming the conformity of certified products to all the safety requirements that national standards impose on products in this specific category
In the GOST R certification system, usually those goods that can affect the safety of people are subject to mandatory certification, in which case a mandatory certificate is issued. This list will be amended and supplemented once a year.
Who can request it:
A legal person or person registered in Russia as an individual entrepreneur who performs the functions of a manufacturer or seller of products, as well as a foreign manufacturer or a person registered in the Russian Federation, acting as a representative of a foreign manufacturer.
How long is it issued:
The period of validity of the mandatory GOST R certificate of conformity is established by the certification body, taking into account the period of validity of the regulatory documents for the products, as well as the period for which the production is certified or the quality system is certified ( if required by the certification scheme). The period of validity of a mandatory GOST R certificate of conformity for a batch of products or a product is not established.
What products are covered
The list of products is contained in the government decree of 12.01.2009, n. 982. 'On the approval of a unified list of products subject to mandatory certification and a unified list of products whose conformity is confirmed in the form of a declaration of conformity.' This list will be amended and supplemented once a year.
How to check the validity of an SS GOST R:
With the help of a unified register of certificates of conformity of products included in the unified list of products of the Russian Federation.
How to get a GOST R certificate?
Our Certification Center provides services for issuing GOST R certificates. We are fully engaged in the registration process, from the moment of submitting the application to receiving a finished document.
To determine the type of document, its cost and processing time, you can contact us in any way that is convenient for you. Our experts are ready to answer any questions.