Fire certificate

In order to guarantee the safety and protection of life, health, property of citizens and legal entities, state-owned and municipal entities from fires, the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements came into force on 1 May 2009. The document defines the main provisions of the technical regulation, the requirements for products for general and technical fire-fighting use, the assessment methods and the procedure for issuing fire-safety certificates of conformity.
On the territory of the Russian Federation, conformity assessment and the issuance of fire certificates are carried out:
voluntarily - in the form of voluntary certification;
mandatory - in the form of mandatory certification or declaration of conformity. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ regulates the forms of assessment of the conformity of products to the requirements of technical regulations. Fire safety certificates are issued according to schemes, each of which is a set of different operations and conditions for their implementation, the results of which are necessary to verify compliance with the established requirements.
The declaration of conformity of products is made by a seller or supplier of products registered on the territory of the Russian Federation in order to ensure compliance of products with the requirements of the technical regulation. A fire declaration is drawn up on the basis of a laboratory test protocol on standard product samples and an expert assessment of the collected evidence of the safety of a production product.
In cases where the products are not subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity, the certification center is authorized to issue a decision of refusal to issue a certificate.
The following types of products are subject to fire certification:
Safety means - fire extinguishers, means of warning and control, signaling.
Fireproof and materials.
Finishing materials from thermoplastics and polyvinyl chloride, materials for walls and ceilings, decorative and fire-resistant panels.
Floor materials: linoleum, tiles, rubber coatings, corks, self-leveling floors.
Sound-insulating and heat-insulating mineral wool materials and products, made of basalt fiber.
Waterproofing and roofing materials in rolls and sheets, including bitumen, rubber bitumen and rubber-textile sheets. Mastics, putties, pastes, sealants for roofs.
Building structures and products for filling openings in fire resistant barriers, gas-tight structures, channels of engineering systems, valves and fume extractors.
Products for cables and cable trays, crossings, cable glands. Electrical and electrical appliances, cookers, ovens, hobs.
Heating of heat generating equipment, industrial and welding torches.
From 01.01.2020 the TR EAEU 043/2017 'On the requirements for fire safety and fire-fighting equipment' came into force. Those products that are not covered by the EAEU TR are still regulated by national legislation and must issue a certificate or declaration of 'fire'
How do I get a fire certificate?