Competence in occupational safety

Industrial Safety Competence (EPB) - assessment of the conformity of the object of competence to the requirements and standards for safe operation in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory acts of the Russian Federation.
EPB conclusion
The result of the industrial safety review is the conclusion of the EPB (registration with Rostekhnadzor may be required in some cases).
How to understand which devices, and in which cases, it is necessary to conduct an industrial safety review? This problem is clearly indicated in the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ: if the technical regulation does not establish another form of evaluation of a technical device used in a dangerous production plant, then it is subject to industrial safety competence, i.e. In cases such as:
- Before using the device in a hazardous manufacturing facility;
- After the expiry of the useful life or when the number of load cycles of this technical device, established by its manufacturer, has been exceeded;
- In the absence of information in the technical documentation on the useful life of the device and if its effective useful life exceeds 20 years;
- When changing the design, the material of the support elements of the technical device is replaced
- During restoration repairs after an accident, as a result of which a technical device was damaged
List of objects subject to an occupational safety report:
- Chemically dangerous, explosive, dangerous for fire and special chemical products;
- Oil and gas industry;
- Coke industry and metallurgy;
- Mining and non-metallurgical industry;
- Coal industry;
- Transport of dangerous substances;
- Using equipment operating under excessive pressure;
- Gas consumption and distribution systems;
- Lifting structures;
- Storage and processing of vegetable raw materials.
The surveys on safety in the workplace are carried out in accordance with the 'Rules for the performance of competences in the field of industrial safety' approved by the Order of Rostechnadzor n. 538 of 11/14/2013 and the 'Rostechnadzor administrative regulation for the provision of public services for the keeping of a register of expert reports on industrial safety' ordinance of Rostechnadzor n. 260 of 23/06/2014 G.
CM Group offers qualified services of competence in the field of industrial safety.